Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kantoo 1.4

So, this time I kind of was trying.  Avery was searching for aliens and guess what.  He found them.

Of course the timing wasn't good.  Menace picked that moment to come a calling.  Darn it.  The cats came out to greet Avery on his return home. 

Good news.  Ester is also with child.  Double pregnancy.  So much for my small family idea.

More birthdays.  Brittany than Bethany.

Our first lemon tree harvest.  Things are going well.

Baby bump.  Avery looks excited.

Hugh ups his sky watching with mom and dad home on maternity leave.

Of course sometimes they head to work anyway.  While pregnant, Avery is promoted and completes his life time want.  Platinum status.  How sweet it is.

Ummm.  Don't know if well try for that or not.

Labor time.  This time at the top of our new stairs.  We added a second floor for children rooms.  Need a few of those these days.

Ester gives birth to yet another girl.  Meet Bryony.  Running out of names by the way.

The kids get to know each other.  I've been letting them roam.  To many other things to worry about.

Like another birth.  This time in front of the piano in the hall.

Completely missed the baby shot somehow.  But Avery gave birth to a second alien boy named Bradly.  Ester just found out she'll pregnant.  This will be our last try.  If she has another girl then Brady is the heir and Bradly the spare.

One minute they are just cute kids.

The next they are color coordinated teens.  Note that they even match the walls in the hall.  Weird.

 The stats on the brats.  I mean that in a loving way of course.

 Bryony becomes a toddler.  Her skin tone stands out in this family.

We add another generation of witchery into the family.  Now time to study up and then off to college.  Eventually.

Then Bradly becomes a toddler.  Such a cute little nice alien.

Bradly has a different alien daddy.  He is so cute.  I love green babies, which is good.

Ester maxes out her skills while resting during her pregnancy.

Then she give birth to our heir, Billy Wayne Kantoo.  My southern roots are showing here.  I was thinking of my uncle at the time who was having some medical issues so I named my heir after him.  Welcome to the world Billy Wayne.

Finally the baby factory is closed.  Right?

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